Species/Subspecies: Sarocladium strictum
Categories: Human pathogen; plant pathogen; of practical use
Etymology: Genus name: branched goblet (?!?).
Species epithet: sharply demarcated.
Alternative Species Name(s):Acremonium strictum
Significance:  [Unclassified]   
Macromorphology (smell):
Sarocladium strictum 
Colonies grow rapidly at 30°C on glucose-pepton agar and reach a diameter of 5 cm within a week. Colonies are flat, with a smooth, moisty, velvety or floccose texture, which may resemble thin patches of cotton.
Sarocladium strictum
S. strictum has long slender phialid cells. The conidia (3.3-5.5 x 0.9-1.8 µm) are cylindrical or elliptical and are formed in bundles at the tips of the phialid cells.
Spec. Char.:
Reservoir: S. strictum, like many other fungi, is a saprotrophic species, occurring in soil, on plant debris and on decaying macroscopic fungi (mushrooms).
Genome Sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/Isolate# of chromSize (Mbp)
GCA_900290465 IMI 501407  33.8 

ITS regions:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NT
NC_111145 CBS 346.70TM 587 

Taxonomy/phylogeny: S. strictum is devided into three genogroups: I, II and III.
Practical use:S. strictum can be used for biological control of Helminthosporium solani, which is a fungus that attacks potatoes and causes large economic losses in, among other countries, USA.

S. strictum produces some types of cephalosporins.


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences