Species/Subspecies: Fusarium solani
Categories: Human pathogen; plant pathogen; toxic for animals
Etymology: Genus name: spindle.
Species epithet: from the plan genus Solanum.
Alternative Species Name(s):(Haemato-)Nectria haematococca, is the name of the fungus in the teleomorphic stage.
Significance:F. solani is a serious economic problem in North and South Amerika
Geographic distribution: Worldwide occurrence in food, indoor environments, soils, and on a wide range of plants and animals.
Macromorphology (smell):
Fusarium solani 
Forms white cotton-like colonies, which turn blue-green or bluish-brown in the center. From below, the plate looks red-brown.
Fusarium solaniFusarium solani
The macroconidia are curved, broad and hyaline (transparent). They usually have three septa and often form aggregates. The microconidia are oval or cylindrical, hyaline (transparent) and usually lack septa.
Spec. Char.:
Disease/effect: Fungal keratitis can be caused by about 70 different species within the genera Aspergillus, Candida and Fusarium.
Genome Sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/Isolate# of chromSize (Mbp)Ref
GCA_002215905.1 JS-169  45.8 # 71

ITS regions:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NTGenes
NR_163531 CBS 140079TM 632 18S rRNA, ITS 1, 5.8S rRNA, ITS 2, 28S rRNA 

Taxonomy/phylogeny: F. solani is a complex of approx. 25 closely related filamentous fungi in the family Nectriaceae.
Comment:F. solani does not produce mycotoxins, but if sweet potatoes are infected, 4-ipomeanol (pulmonary oedema factor) is produced by the sweet potatoes.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences