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Hyphae and pseudohyphae


One usually distinguishes between single-celled and multicellular fungi. Unicellular fungi usually consist of different species of yeast and multicellular fungi of different species of mould.

Hyphae are elongated, thread-like and  branched filaments, that are made up of tubular cells. Hyphae constitute the  mycelium of multicellular fungi, which is the most importande growth mode of these fungi. The growth occurs at the tip of the hypha. Most hyphae have internal cross-walls, which are termed septa (septum sing.) and these hyphae are said to be septated. Some multicellular fungi form hyphae without septa ond these hyphae are termed nonseptated or coenocytic hyphae.

Yeasts have pseudohyphae, which consist of cells that have been formed by budding and these cells are connected to the original cell. This collection of cells may be branched. Growth occurs by budding from any cell in the pseudohypha.


Updated: 2020-12-20.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences